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  4. 2022 [Eco Vadis]

2022[Eco Vadis]
Silver medallion

During the 2022 Enterprise on Eco Vadis, headquartered in France,The Pack Shanghai Corporation get the "Silver Medal" which must be awarded if we get the top 25% score during the Development Review.

In the SDGs world scale social task solving goals of "environment," "labor and human rights," "business ethics," and "renewable resources", The Pack Shanghai Corporation scored highly in the "renewable resources."

Eco Vadis makes a comprehensive assessment of sustainable development of more than 85,000 enterprises in 160 countries, 200 industries and more than 160 countries every year through rigorous review, and the review results are used as the audit standard of sustainable development supply chain of multinational enterprises.

In the future, The Pack Shanghai Corporation will continue to make efforts in the areas of people and society, development and environment, and make corporate contributions to sustainable development.

2022 [Eco Vadis] Silver medallion

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